Projet Maghrib
Photographier toutes les espèces de reptiles et d’amphibiens marocains.
Photographier une sélection d’oiseaux et de mammifères marocains.
2025-2026 : 2 objectifs
Pourquoi ?
Sensibiliser à l’urgence de la conservation de la faune marocaine.
Comment ?
En créant une plateforme en ligne gratuite, dédiée à la faune vertébrée non aquatique du Maroc, autour de nos photographies.
En créant du matériel éducatif sur la faune marocaine et les défis auxquels elle est confrontée.
Common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon chamaeleon), near Guelmim
Common chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon chamaeleon), near Guelmim
Elmouden's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus elmoudeni), in Tafraoute
Brosset's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus brosseti), near Taroudant
Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), near Foum Assaka
Left to right : Harris's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus harrisii), near Guelmim ; Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), near Tiznit
Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), between Agadir and Tiznit
Young Brosset's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus brosseti), near Taroudant
Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), near Foum Assaka
Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), Inkass
Elmouden's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus elmoudeni), in Tafraoute
Elmouden's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus elmoudeni), in Tafraoute
Young Brosset's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus brosseti), near Taroudant
"Brosset's lizard-fingered gecko" (Saurodactylus "brosseti"), captive individual found in Europe
Harris's lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus harrisii), near Guelmim
Lizard-fingered gecko (Saurodactylus sp.), near Sidi Ifni
Female Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus), Oukaimeden
Male Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus), Oukaimeden
Female Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus), Oukaimeden
Anti Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia moerens), near Ouirgane
Young Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus), Oukaimeden
Anti Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia moerens), near Ouirgane
Algerian sand gecko (Tropiocolotes algericus), near Assa
Algerian sand gecko (Tropiocolotes algericus), near Assa
Algerian sand gecko (Tropiocolotes algericus), Aouint Lahna
Northern elegant gecko (Stenodactylus mauritanicus), Abattekh
Northern elegant gecko (Stenodactylus mauritanicus), Icht
Northern elegant gecko (Stenodactylus mauritanicus), Icht
Northern elegant gecko (Stenodactylus mauritanicus), Aouint Lahna
Northern elegant gecko (Stenodactylus mauritanicus), Fask
Anderson's short-fingered gecko (Stenodactylus petrii), Icht
Anderson's short-fingered gecko (Stenodactylus petrii), Icht
Helmeted gecko (Tarentola chazaliae), Foum Assaka
Helmeted gecko (Tarentola chazaliae), Foum Assaka
Helmeted gecko (Tarentola chazaliae), Foum Assaka
Helmeted gecko (Tarentola chazaliae), Foum Assaka
Common wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica juliae), Foum Assaka
White-spotted wall gecko (Tarentola annularis annularis), Sidi Ahmed Laaroussi
Oudri's fan-footed gecko (Ptyodactylus oudrii), Aouint Lahna
White-spotted wall gecko (Tarentola annularis annularis), Sidi Ahmed Laaroussi
White-spotted wall gecko (Tarentola annularis annularis), Sidi Ahmed Laaroussi
Böhme's wall gecko (Tarentola boehmei), between Assa and Icht
Böhme's wall gecko (Tarentola boehmei), between Assa and Icht
Oudri's fan-footed gecko (Ptyodactylus oudrii), Aouint Lahna
White-spotted wall gecko (Tarentola annularis annularis), Sidi Ahmed Laaroussi
Common wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica pallida), Smara
Common wall gecko (Tarentola mauritanica juliae), Telouet
Oudri's fan-footed gecko (Ptyodactylus oudrii), Aouint Lahna
Many-scaled cylindrical skink (Chalcides polylepis), Chbika
Many-scaled cylindrical skink (Chalcides polylepis), Chbika
Berber skink (Eumeces algeriensis algeriensis), Azrou Rezmouka
Berber skink (Eumeces algeriensis algeriensis), Azrou Rezmouka
Atlas dwarf lizard (Atlantolacerta andreanskyi), from the Oukaimeden genetic clade
Small-spotted lizard (Mesalina guttulata), Aouint Lahna
Small-spotted lizard (Mesalina guttulata), Aouint Lahna
Vaucher's wall lizard (Podarcis vaucheri), Oukaimeden
Golden fringe-toed lizard (Acanthodactylus aureus), Smara
Golden fringe-toed lizard (Acanthodactylus aureus), Smara
Atlas dwarf lizard (Atlantolacerta andreanskyi), from the Oukaimeden genetic clade
Schokari sand snake (Psammophis schokari), Sidi Ifni
Schokari sand snake (Psammophis schokari), Chbika
Schokari sand snake (Psammophis schokari), Sidi Ifni
Schokari sand snake (Psammophis schokari), road to Smara
Western false smooth snake (Macroprotodon brevis brevis), near Plage Blanche
Western false smooth snake (Macroprotodon brevis brevis), near Plage Blanche
Horseshoe whipsnake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis), Sidi Ifni
Horseshoe whipsnake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis), Sidi Ifni
Algerian Whip snake (Hemorrhois algirus), Assa
False cobra (Malpolon moilensis), Chbika
Moroccan cobra (Naja haje), near Guelmim
Puff adder (Bitis arietans), near Guelmim
Puff adder (Bitis arietans), near Guelmim
Atlas dwarf viper (Vipera monticola), Oukaimeden
Atlas dwarf viper (Vipera monticola), Oukaimeden
Desert horned viper (Cerastes cerastes), Tighmert
Desert horned viper (Cerastes cerastes), Tighmert
Sahara sand viper (Cerastes vipera), Akhfennir
Sahara sand viper (Cerastes vipera), Akhfennir
Sahara sand viper (Cerastes vipera), Akhfennir
Saharan pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa saharica), Finnt
Saharan pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa saharica), Finnt
Moorish tortoise (Testudo graeca marokkensis), near Benslimane
Moorish tortoise (Testudo graeca graeca), near Taroudant
Spiny toad (Bufo spinosus), Oukaimeden
African green toad (Bufotes boulengeri), road to Foum Assaka
Berber toad (Sclerophrys mauritanica), Talaainte
Berber toad (Sclerophrys mauritanica), Finnt
Mediterranean tree frog (Hyla meridionalis), Oukaimeden
Spiny toad (Bufo spinosus), Oukaimeden
African green toad (Bufotes boulengeri), Labyar
Berber toad (Sclerophrys mauritanica), Oukaimeden